Tips & Tricks to choose the best WordPress Hosting

Best WordPress Hosting for Agencies

A Guide to Choosing the Best WordPress Hosting for Agencies

When it comes to running a successful agency, having the right tools and resources is crucial. One of the most important components of any agency website is the hosting platform. Choosing the right WordPress hosting provider can make a big impact on the performance, speed, and security of your website.

So, if you’re looking for the best WordPress hosting for agencies, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll go over the most important factors to consider when choosing a WordPress hosting provider, as well as a few of the top providers on the market.

Best WordPress Hosting for Agencies

Often overlooked, web hosting is one of the key components of every successful website. Choosing the best WordPress hosting for your needs can improve your SEO and increase sales. There are different types of WordPress hosting options available such as free, shared, VPS, dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting. In this guide, we will help you choose the best WordPress hosting for your website.

WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource site that receives millions of pageviews per month. After helping 400,000+ users and years of experience with WordPress hosting companies, we know the importance of choosing the best WordPress hosting company.

Our goal with this guide is to share our 15+ years of experience and insight into the things you need to consider when choosing a hosting company for your business.

To help you make the right decision, we’ve done a side-by-side comparison of the top WordPress hosting companies, including speed tests, uptime tests, and reliability tests.

Factors to Consider When Choosing WordPress Hosting for Agencies

Best WordPress Hosting for Agencies

1.      Performance and Speed

The performance and speed of your website play a crucial role in determining its success. If your website loads slowly, users are likely to abandon it and look for a faster alternative. On the other hand, fast-loading websites have a better chance of keeping visitors engaged and increasing conversions.

2.      Security

Security is a top priority for any agency, as it’s critical to protecting sensitive information and data. A secure hosting platform can help prevent hacking and cyber-attacks, as well as provide peace of mind for both you and your clients.

3.      Customer Support

Good customer support is essential when it comes to managing any website. If you encounter technical difficulties or have any questions, it’s important to have a knowledgeable and responsive support team to help you out.

4.      Cost

While cost is always a consideration, it shouldn’t be the only factor in choosing a WordPress hosting provider. A higher-priced provider may offer more features and better performance, but it’s important to find a balance between cost and quality.

5.      Scalability

As your agency grows, so will your website. It’s important to choose a hosting provider that can accommodate growth and offer the resources you need to scale your website as needed.

6.      Uptime

Uptime refers to the amount of time that your website is up and running without any downtime. A high uptime percentage is essential for a website to remain accessible to visitors and potential customers. Look for a hosting provider that offers a guarantee of at least 99.9% uptime.

7.      Server Location

The location of the server can have an impact on the speed of your website. If the majority of your visitors are located in a certain region, it’s important to choose a server that’s located in close proximity. This can help reduce latency and improve the speed of your website.

8.      Managed Services

Managed services refer to the level of support and maintenance provided by the hosting provider. Some providers offer managed services that include automatic updates, backups, and security measures, while others may not offer these services. If you’re not well-versed in technical matters, it may be a good idea to choose a provider that offers managed services.

9.      Storage and Bandwidth

The amount of storage and bandwidth available will impact the size and functionality of your website. If you’re planning on hosting large files, videos, or images, it’s important to choose a provider that offers enough storage and bandwidth to accommodate your needs.

10.  User-Friendliness

Finally, it’s important to choose a hosting provider that’s user-friendly and easy to use. The hosting platform should provide a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to easily manage your website, without requiring advanced technical skills.

Important things to do before selecting any Hosting Plans:

Determine the level of support you need.

The first step to finding the right WordPress maintenance agency is easy. You need to determine the correct level of WP support ahead of time.

For example, some businesses may only need regular WordPress maintenance. In this case, it may be acceptable for the maintenance agency to provide support only during business hours. Other companies, though, may require 24/7 technical support in case anything goes wrong over the weekend.

Next, you need to determine your WP comfort level. If you’re comfortable handling a lot on your own, you can go with a more “hands-off” maintenance agency. But if you need help with things like basic WP updates, finding a full-service agency can be important.

Balance budget and value

Most companies that look for WordPress agency options have a simple goal: save money. Because of this, they may be tempted to go with the agency that has the lowest price.

However, it’s important to balance your budget with the value that good WP maintenance brings to the table. If you spend a little more now for a better agency, it can actually help you generate more sales and generally boost your bottom line.

For real value, you should find an agency that can handle a variety of WP needs. If you hire an agency that handles most of the hosting, you’ll have to spend extra time and money finding agencies to handle things like site management, maintenance, and design.

By getting a WP maintenance agency that can handle everything, you can save money and also protect your business from unexpected emergencies.

Check out the different service plans.

Remember when we said that you need to determine how much help you need? This will really come in handy when you start evaluating the different service plans of the agency and choosing the right one.

For example, an agency may have a more basic plan that provides hosting, basic support, maintenance and security. But if you want features like agency consulting, SEO optimization, WordPress website design and more, you’ll need to opt for a premium plan.

Finding the right plan is all about finding the sweet spot between what you need and what the agency has to offer. That way, you get all the support without paying for the bells and whistles you don’t need.

The need (or not) for a long-term business relationship

Businesses often discuss working with a WordPress maintenance agency in terms of a professional relationship. As with your personal relationships, though, you need to answer an important question. Are you looking for a long term relationship or something shorter?

The answer is important because most companies don’t look for an agency unless something goes wrong with their WP website (like the site gets hacked). At that point, the company may need a quick fix to get back to normal. In this case, it is best to choose an agency and plan that offers basic care and support.

But what if you have deeper issues that the agency needs to address? Or do you just want to develop a more personal relationship with the agency? In this case, you should take the time to find an agency that offers the long-term, in-depth support as well as the personal touch that your business deserves.

Do your homework on the WordPress maintenance agency you choose.

Let’s say you’ve narrowed down your WP site to one or more agencies you can trust. To find out which agency is the best, it’s time to do your homework on these companies and see what others are saying.

At the most basic level, this means reading online reviews. What are other people saying about this agency on social media? And does the company have any customer reviews on its website that you can see?

You should also consult colleagues and fellow entrepreneurs who may have worked with the agency. Be sure to take the time to check out the agency’s website and various social media feeds. In fact, checking social media comments and responses is a great way to see how an agency treats clients!

Once you feel confident enough about the agency, arrange a meeting. This will allow you to ensure that your company and the WordPress maintenance agency are on the same page.

The importance of flexible service

Our final advice for getting the best WordPress maintenance experience is simple. When you’re having trouble deciding between two agencies, go with the one that offers the best flexibility through multiple service plans.

When you first hire an agency, you may want to start small. If things escalate, however, you need to know that you have the support of WordPress experts who can meet your needs.

When an agency has multiple service plans, its support can grow as quickly and consistently as your business grows. And because only multi-service agencies can offer so many service plans, that means you’ll find an agency that has the flexibility and versatility you need to succeed.

Top WordPress Hosting Providers for Agencies

1.      WP Engine

WP Engine is a premium hosting provider that specializes in WordPress hosting. They offer high-performance servers, 24/7 support, and a secure platform, making them a great choice for agencies. WP Engine also offers scalable plans, so you can grow your website without having to switch hosting providers.

2.      Bluehost

Bluehost is a well-known and popular hosting provider that offers a variety of plans to meet the needs of different websites. They offer fast and reliable hosting, 24/7 support, and a secure platform, making them a great choice for agencies.

3.      SiteGround

SiteGround is a top-rated hosting provider that offers a variety of plans to meet the needs of different websites. They offer high-performance servers, 24/7 support, and a secure platform, making them a great choice for agencies. SiteGround also offers scalable plans, so you can grow your website without having to switch hosting providers.

4.      DreamHost

DreamHost is a well-established hosting provider that offers a variety of plans to meet the needs of different websites. They offer fast and reliable hosting, 24/7 support, and a secure platform, making them a great choice for agencies. DreamHost also offers scalable plans, so you can grow your website without having to switch hosting providers.

5.      InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting is a popular hosting provider that offers fast and reliable hosting for agencies. They offer a variety of plans, including managed WordPress hosting, 24/7 support, and a secure platform. InMotion Hosting also offers scalable plans, so you can grow your website as needed.

6.      A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is a top-rated hosting provider that offers fast and reliable hosting for agencies. They offer a variety of plans, including managed WordPress hosting, 24/7 support, and a secure platform. A2 Hosting also offers scalable plans, so you can grow your website as needed.

7.      GreenGeeks

GreenGeeks is an eco-friendly hosting provider that offers fast and reliable hosting for agencies. They offer a variety of plans, including managed WordPress hosting, 24/7 support, and a secure platform. GreenGeeks also offers scalable plans, so you can grow your website as needed.


When it comes to choosing the best WordPress hosting for agencies, there are a number of factors to consider. Performance and speed, security, customer support, cost, and scalability are all important considerations.

Whether you choose WP Engine, Bluehost, or SiteGroundetc, make sure to do your research and choose a provider that meets your specific needs and budget. By doing so, you can ensure that your agency website will run smoothly and effectively, helping you achieve your business goals.


Do I need WordPress hosting to start a website?

If you want to create a WordPress website, you need web hosting. Your hosting server is where your website files are stored. Every website you see online uses a web hosting provider.

Are there any free WordPress hosting providers?

Yes, there are many free website hosting companies out there, but we advise you to stay away from them. In most cases, free WordPress hosting providers place ads on your website. They can also distribute malware to your users. Last but not least, they can shut down your website anytime without any notice. Avoid anyone who offers to give you free WordPress hosting, especially if you are serious about your site. Here are 36 reasons why having a “free website” is a bad idea.

How much does it cost to build a WordPress site?

The cost of building a WordPress website varies based on your needs. It can cost anywhere from $100 to $30,000. We’ve created a detailed guide on how much it really costs to build a WordPress website.

Do I need my domain and WordPress hosting from the same provider?

No, you can purchase your domain from a domain name registrar like, GoDaddy, etc. and use one of the WordPress hosting providers listed above. However if you don’t already have a domain, it’s easy to use the same provider (especially since many are offering a free domain with hosting).

Can I use these WordPress hosting providers for an e-commerce site?

Yes you absolutely can. All the WordPress hosting companies we recommend above offer the SSL certificate you need to run an e-commerce website. If you’re looking for specialized eCommerce web hosting, you might want to check out our comparison of the best WooCommerce hosting.

How to secure your WordPress hosting account?

Your web hosting account is where your website files are stored. So it is very important that you keep it safe. The best way to secure your WordPress hosting account is to use a strong password and avoid logging in from public places (unless you’re using a VPN). We also recommend that you follow our ultimate WordPress security guide to protect your site.

How do I install WordPress on my WordPress hosting account?

Every WordPress hosting provider we recommend comes with a 1-click WordPress install. You can follow our step-by-step guide on how to install WordPress on your host.

Do I need cPanel WordPress hosting?

cPanel is a type of control panel used by WordPress hosting companies. No you don’t need cPanel, but it makes things easier in terms of installation, managing email accounts, etc.

Additionally, many hosting companies are now creating custom hosting platform dashboards to simplify overall site management, and offer a streamlined WordPress hosting-like experience for startups. .

This allows them to offer better functionality and provide a more user-friendly experience.

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